
All publications

  1. RIN al Khoury, J Weerheijm, K Dingerdis, LJ Sluys, An adaptive time integration scheme for blast loading on a saturated soil mass, In Computers and Geotechnics Volume 38 p.448-464.
  2. RIN al Khoury, An analytical model for transient heat flow in shallow geothermal systems
  3. M Talebian, RIN al Khoury, LJ Sluys, An efficient computational model for CO2 flow in porous media, In Coupled problem 2011 p.1-9, CIMNE.
  4. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Analyzing shear critical RC beams with sequentially linear analysis including a spatial and orientation dependent crack band model
  5. F Vassilikou, N Kringos, M Kostsovos, A Scarpas, Application of pervious concrete for sustainable pavements: a micro-mechanical investigation, In 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board p.1-20, Transportation Research Board (TRB).
  6. EOA Verstrynge, D van Gemert, MAN Hendriks, Assessment of long-term stability of masonry structures: experimental research, non-destructive techniques and theoretical modeling, In Building materials and building technology to preserve the built heritage p.395-416, WTA Publications.
  7. SN Nahar, AJM Schmets, G Schitter, Bitumen AFM image selected as cover image
  8. W Xia, PCJ Hoogenboom, Buckling analysis of offshore jackets in removal operations, In OMAE2011, Rotterdam p.1-6, ASME.
  9. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Capturing brittle failure behaviour of shear critical rc beams using sequentially linear analysis, In Proceedings fib symposium Prague 2011 Concrete engineering for excellence and efficiency p.1-4, Czech concrete society.
  10. TB Jonsthovel, MB van Gijzen, SC Maclachlan, C Vuik, A Scarpas, Comparison of the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method and parallel direct solver for composite materials


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