
All publications

  1. Esteban P. Busso, Hans Bernd Mühlhaus, Lambertus J. Sluys, Akke S J Suiker, Preface, In Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003) Volume 95 p.3053-3054.
  2. AT Slobbe, Propagation and band width of smeared cracks
  3. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, NC Lind, MH Faber, Protocols for communication and governance of risks, In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on applications of statistics and probability in civil engineering, ICASP12 p.1-8, UBC Library.
  4. C Weemstra, CPA Wapenaar, KN van Dalen, Reflecting boundary conditions for interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, In Proceedings of the 85th SEG annual meeting, expanded abstracts p.2440-2444, SEG.
  5. KN van Dalen, TD Mikesell, EN Ruigrok, CPA Wapenaar, Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, In JGR Solid Earth Volume 120 p.944-961.
  6. R Esposito, MAN Hendriks, Simulating the deteriorating effect of the alkali-silica reaction in concrete via a micro-poro fracture mechanical model, In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on mechanics and physics of creep, shrinkage, and durability of concrete and concrete structures p.118-127, American society of civil engineers.
  7. LF Magalhaes Pereira, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Simulation of dynamic tensile failure of quasi-brittle materials with a rate dependent, stress-enhanced nonlocal damage model
  8. M Engen, MAN Hendriks, JA Overli, E Aldstedt, Solution strategy for non-linear finite element analyses of large reinforced concrete structures, In Structural Concrete Volume 16 p.389-397.
  9. F Lahuerta, RPL Nijssen, FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, Static and dynamic through thickness lamina properties of thick laminates, In Proceedings of the 20th international conference on composite materials p.1-9, ICCM.
  10. A Bovenberg, A Rolvink, JL Coenders, StructuralComponents 4: Conceptual building models with structural design justification, In Proceedings of the international association for shell and spatial structures (IASS) p.1-10, KIVI.


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