
All publications

  1. N Kringos, A Scarpas, AJM Schmets, AT Pauli, Kinetics of bituminous phase decomposition and its implications on the mechanical properties, In Bituminous mixtures and pavements p.143-154, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  2. B Belletti, C Danomi, MAN Hendriks, Linee guida olandesi per l'analisi non lineare ad elementi finiti di strutture in c.a. e c.a.p. caratterizzate da rotture per taglio-compressione, In Structural Modeling. Magazine di Ingegneria Strutturale Volume 2011 p.9-11.
  3. B Belletti, C Danomi, MAN Hendriks, Linee guida olandesi per l'analisi non lineare ad elementi finiti di strutture in c.a. e c.a.p.: alcune indicazioni per la verifica agli stati limite di elementi inflessi, In Structural Modeling. Magazine di Ingegneria Strutturale Volume 2011 p.10-12.
  4. A. Hilberink, AM Gresnigt, LJ Sluys, Mechanical behaviour of lined pipe during bending, numerical and experimental results compared, In Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th international conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering OMAE2011 p.1-11, ASME.
  5. EOA Verstrynge, L. Schueremans, D van Gemert, AV van de Graaf, Modelling and analysis of time-dependent behaviour of historical masonry under high stress levels, In Engineering Structures Volume 2011 p.210-217.
  6. MM Villani, A Scarpas, M Kane, Modelling of rubber friction on asphalt surfaces using a fractal approach, In Bituminous mixtures and pavements p.1166-1174, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  7. VP Nguyen, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Multiscale continuous and discontinuous modeling of heterogeneous materials: a review on recent developments, In Journal of Multiscale Modelling Volume 3 p.1-42.
  8. VP Nguyen, Multiscale failure modelling of quasi-brittle materials
  9. JH Paulissen, A Metrikine, Non-linear dynamic modeling of adaptive pedestrian behavior on lively footbridges, In 8th International conference on structural dynamics, EURODYN2011 p.1056-1063, Katholieke Universieit Leuven.
  10. Y Zhao, X Liu, C Kasbergen, A de Bondt, Numerical analysis of integral pavement/soil-wall structures in soft soil, In Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Volume 47 p.461-469.


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