
All publications

  1. Tommaso Venturini, Michela Turrin, Foteini Setaki, Fred Veer, Arno Pronk, Patrick Teuffel, Yaron Moonen, Stefan Slangen, Rens Vorstermans, (2019), Terra–ink additive earth manufacturing for emergency architecture, In Spool Volume 6 p.41-46.
  2. T. Li Piani, J. Weerheijm, L. Koene, L. J. Sluys, (2019), The Adobe delta damage model: A locally regularized rate-dependent model for the static assessment of soil masonry bricks and mortar, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 206 p.114-130.
  3. Telesilla Bristogianni, Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Fred Veer, Rob Nijsse, The effect of manufacturing flaws in the meso-structure of cast glass on the structural performance, In Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications p.1703-1708, CRC Press.
  4. Prashanth Srinivasan, Andrew I. Duff, Thomas A. Mellan, Marcel H.F. Sluiter, Lucia Nicola, Angelo Simone, (2019), The effectiveness of reference-free modified embedded atom method potentials demonstrated for NiTi and NbMoTaW, In Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 27.
  5. A. H. Snijder, L. P.L. van der Linden, C. Goulas, C. Louter, R. Nijsse, (2019), The glass swing: a vector active structure made of glass struts and 3D-printed steel nodes, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 5 (2020) p.99-116.
  6. Ate Snijder, C. Louter, R. Nijsse, Lennert van der Linden, (2019), The glass swing: a vector active glass structure, In Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems p.1715-1718, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. Daniela Geta Petre, Robin Nadar, Yingfeng Tu, Ali Paknahad, Daniela A. Wilson, Sander C.G. Leeuwenburgh, (2019), Thermoresponsive Brushes Facilitate Effective Reinforcement of Calcium Phosphate Cements, In ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Volume 11 p.26690-26703.
  8. Guzel Shamsutdinova, Max A.N. Hendriks, Stefan Jacobsen, (2019), Topography studies of concrete abraded with ice, In Wear Volume 430-431 p.1-11.
  9. Manimaran Pari, Wouter Swart, Martin van Gijzen, Max Hendriks, Jan Rots, Two solution strategies to improve the computational performance of Sequentially Linear Analysis for quasi-brittle structures, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 121 (2020) p.2128-2146.
  10. C. Borg Costanzi, Z. Y. Ahmed, H. R. Schipper, F. P. Bos, U. Knaack, R. J.M. Wolfs, (2018), 3D Printing Concrete on temporary surfaces: The design and fabrication of a concrete shell structure, In Automation in Construction Volume 94 p.395-404.


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