
All publications

  1. J Zheng, Z Guo, Y Pan, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, ITZ volume fraction in concrete with spheroidal aggregate particles and application: Part I. Numerical algorithm, In Magazine of Concrete Research Volume 63 p.473-482.
  2. J Zheng, Z Guo, XF Huang, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, ITZ volume fraction in concrete with spheroidal aggregate particles and application: Part II. Prediction of the chloride diffusivity of concrete, In Magazine of Concrete Research Volume 63 p.483-491.
  3. H. Hendrikse, G. L. Kuiper, A. V. Metrikine, Ice induced vibrations of flexible offshore structures: The effect of load randomness, high ice velocities and higher structural modes, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, POAC Volume 1 p.372-381.
  4. H Hendrikse, GL Kuiper, A Metrikine, Ice induced vibrations of flexible offshore structures: the effects of load randomnes, high ice velocities and higher structural modes, In POAC'11 p.1-11, Canadian Hydraulics Centre of National Research Council Canada.
  5. P Stroeven, H He, Image analysis of cracks in concrete: methodology, opportunities and pitfalls, In International Journal of Ecodynamics p.145-161.
  6. P Stroeven, H He, Impact of brazil nut effect on concrete's structure and its engineering properties, In Construction and Building: Design, Materials and Techniques p.179-194, Nova Publishers.
  7. J Fan, A Chen, TK Wang, Jun Shen, J Lu, Improved plasticity and fracture toughness in metallic glasses via surface crystallization, In Intermetallics Volume 19 p.1420-1427.
  8. Q Liu, HEJG Schlangen, A Garcia Hernandez, MFC van de Ven, Induction heating of electrically conductive porous asphalt concrete, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 24 p.1207-1213.
  9. H He, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Influence of particle packing on elastic properties of concrete, In Magazine of Concrete Research Volume 64 p.163-175.
  10. H He, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Influence of particle packing on fracture properties of concrete, In Computers and Concrete Volume 8 p.677-692.


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