
All publications

  1. T. Li Piani, J. Weerheijm, M. Peroni, L. Koene, D. Krabbenborg, G. Solomos, L. J. Sluys, (2020), Dynamic behaviour of adobe bricks in compression: The role of fibres and water content at various loading rates, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 230.
  2. Ali Paknahad, Nathan W. Kucko, Sander C.G. Leeuwenburgh, Lambertus J. Sluys, (2020), Experimental and numerical analysis on bending and tensile failure behavior of calcium phosphate cements, In Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Volume 103.
  3. A. Drougkas, L. Licciardello, J.G. Rots, R. Esposito, Experimental and numerical study of historic masonry with bed joint reinforced repointing, In EURODYN 2020 XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics Volume 2 p.4212-4225, European Association for Structural Dynamics (EASD).
  4. L. Jansen, P.A. Korswagen , J.D. Bricker, S. Pasterkamp, K.M. de Bruijn, S.N. Jonkman, (2020), Experimental determination of pressure coefficients for flood loading of walls of Dutch terraced houses, In Engineering Structures Volume 216 p.1-13.
  5. Simen Sørgaard Kongshaug, Oddbjørn Oseland, Terje Kanstad, Max A.N. Hendriks, Eva Rodum, Gro Markeset, (2020), Experimental investigation of ASR-affected concrete – The influence of uniaxial loading on the evolution of mechanical properties, expansion and damage indices, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 245.
  6. Francesco Messali, Rita Esposito, Geert Ravenshorst, Jan Rots, Experimental investigation of the in-plane cyclic behaviour of calcium silicate brick masonry walls, In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Volume 18 p.3963-3994.
  7. Salar Mostofizadeh, Failure of thin-walled structures under impact loading
  8. D. Bresser, G. J.P. Ravenshorst, P. C.J. Hoogenboom, (2020), General formulation of equivalent moment factor for elastic lateral torsional buckling of slender rectangular sections and I-sections, In Engineering Structures Volume 207.
  9. Paul Korswagen Eguren, Michele Longo, Jan G. Rots, (2020), High-resolution monitoring of the initial development of cracks in experimental masonry shear walls and their reproduction in finite element models, In Engineering Structures Volume 211.
  10. Anastasios Drougkas, Lucia Licciardello, Jan G. Rots, Rita Esposito, (2020), In-plane seismic behaviour of retrofitted masonry walls subjected to subsidence-induced damage, In Engineering Structures Volume 223.


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