
All publications

  1. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, Progressive damage in [0/90]s laminated plates
  2. RPL Nijssen, T. Westphal, F Lahuerta Calahorra, DRV van Delft, Recent results in characterisation and modeling of composites for wind turbine blades, In Proceedings of the composites week @leuven and texcomp-11 conference p.1-8, s.n..
  3. J Lauppe, A Rolvink, JL Coenders, Reinforcement toolbox, a parametric reinforcement modelling tool for curved surface structures, In Proceedings of the international association for shell and spatial structures (IASS) symposium 2013 "Beyond the limits of man" p.1-8, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej.
  4. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Reliability based structural design, In Safety, reliability and risk analysis: beyond the horizon: Proceedings of the European safety and reliability conference, ESREL 2013 p.45-53, CRC Press.
  5. J Weerheijm, P Forquin, Response mechanisms of concrete under impulsive tensile loading, In Understanding the tensile properties of concrete p.181-215, Woodhead Publishing.
  6. KN van Dalen, CPA Wapenaar, DF Halliday, Retrieving higher-mode surface waves using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, In Proceedings of the 75th EAGE conference and exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 p.1-5, EAGE.
  7. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, Robust nonlinear finite element analysis of shear critical reinforced concrete structures
  8. MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Sequentially linear versus nonlinear analysis of rc structures, In Engineering Computations: international journal for computer-aided engineering and software Volume 30 p.792-801.
  9. RIN Al-Khoury, Shallow geothermal systems: Computational challenges and possibilities
  10. JC Walraven, B Belletti, R Esposito, Shear capacity of normal, lightweight, and high-strength concrete beams according to model code 2010. I: Experimental results versus analytical model results, In Journal of Structural Engineering Volume 139 p.1593-1599.


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