
All publications

  1. Manimaran Pari, Max A.N. Hendriks, Jan G. Rots, (2019), Non-proportional loading in sequentially linear analysis for 3D stress states, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 119 p.506-531.
  2. Maria Gkoika, Jeroen Coenders, Rob Nijsse, Sander van Nederveen, Sander Pasterkamp, Arend Rutgers, Novel Parametric Knowledge Modelling approach applied to Viaducts, In Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019 – Structural Membranes 2019 p.1108-1115, CIMNE.
  3. I.B.C.M. Rocha, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Hygrothermal Aging in Laminated Composites
  4. Suman Bhattarai, Francesco Messali, Rita Esposito, Numerical study on retrofitting measures for low-rise URM buildings
  5. I. B.C.M. Rocha, F. P. van der Meer, S. Raijmaekers, F. Lahuerta, R. P.L. Nijssen, L. J. Sluys, (2019), Numerical/experimental study of the monotonic and cyclic viscoelastic/viscoplastic/fracture behavior of an epoxy resin, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 168 p.153-165.
  6. Zahid Shabir, Erik Van der Giessen, C. Armando Duarte, Angelo Simone, (2019), On the applicability of linear elastic fracture mechanics scaling relations in the analysis of intergranular fracture of brittle polycrystals, In International Journal of Fracture Volume 220 p.205-219.
  7. Stamatia Presvyri, Yuguang Yang, Max Hendriks, Jeanette Visser, Dick Hordijk, (2019), On the extension of walraven’s aggregate interlock model based on laser scanned crack surface, In Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019 p.937-944, International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).
  8. P.C. van Staalduinen, J.G. Rots, K.C. Terwel, Onderzoek naar de oorzaken van bouwkundige schade in Groningen: Methodologie en case studies ter duiding vande oorzaken
  9. Luis Javier Sánchez-Aparicio, Monica Herrero Huerta, Rita Esposito, Roel Schipper, Diego González-Aguilera, Photogrammetric Solution for Analysis of Out-Of-Plane Movements of a Masonry Structure in a Large-Scale Laboratory Experiment, In Remote Sensing Volume 11.
  10. P. A. Korswagen, S. N. Jonkman, K. C. Terwel, (2019), Probabilistic assessment of structural damage from coupled multi-hazards, In Structural Safety Volume 76 p.135-148.


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