
All publications

  1. MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Simulation of creep induced cracking based on sequentially linear analysis, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on creep, shrinkage and durability of concrete and concrete structures p.579-585, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. N Kringos, A Scarpas, APS Selvadurai, Simulation of mastic erosion from open-graded asphalt mixes using a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element approach, In Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Volume 28 p.147-159.
  3. J Blaauwendraad, Special purpose design methods for surface structures
  4. H Karadeniz, Spectral fatigue and stress based reliability assesment of offshore steel structures, In ASME 27th International conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering - OMAE 2008 p.1-9, ASME.
  5. GL Kuiper, Stability of offshore risers conveying fluid
  6. JG Rots, MAN Hendriks, MJ de Jong, B Belletti, Stepwise softening for concrete and masonry structures, In 6th international conference on computation of shell and spatial structures IASS-IACM 2008:"Spanning nano to mega" p.1-5, s.n..
  7. H Karadeniz, Stochastic earthquake analysis of underwater storage tanks, In Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Volume 130 p.1-8.
  8. P Stroeven, J Hu, H Chen, Stochastic heterogeneity as fundamental basis for the design and evaluation of experiments, In Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 30 p.506-514.
  9. M Oeser, TK Pellinen, A Scarpas, C Kasbergen, Studies on creep and recovery of rheological bodies based upon conventional and fractional formulations and their application on asphalt mixture, In The International Journal of Pavement Engineering Volume 9 p.373-386.
  10. Erik-Jan Scholten, X Liu, MFC van de Ven, AAA Molenaar, A Scarpas, Study of full depth sbs modified pavements using fundamental asphalt mix testing and finite element modelling, In Samenvattingenbundel, Bijdragen CROW Infradagen 2008 p.1-12, CROW.


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