
All publications

  1. Osvalds Verners, Alexey V. Lyulin, Angelo Simone, Salt concentration dependence of the mechanical properties of LiPF<sub>6</sub>/poly(propylene glycol) acrylate electrolyte at a graphitic carbon interface: A reactive molecular dynamics study, In Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics Volume 56 p.718-730.
  2. Mingjuan Zhao, Karel N. van Dalen, João M. Barbosa, Andrei V. Metrikine, (2018), Semi-analytical solution for the dynamic response of a cylindrical structure embedded in a homogeneous half-space, In Environmental Vibrations and Transportation Geodynamics p.369-388, Springer.
  3. Francesca Ferretti, C. Mazzotti, Rita Esposito, Jan Rots, Shear-sliding behavior of masonry: Numerical micro-modeling of triplet tests, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.941-952, CRC Press.
  4. L. F. Pereira, J. Weerheijm, L. J. Sluys, (2018), Simulation of compaction and crushing of concrete in ballistic impact with a new damage model, In International Journal of Impact Engineering Volume 111 p.208-221.
  5. Banafsheh Sajadi, Simon van Hemert, Behrouz Arash, Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Peter G. Steeneken, Farbod Alijani, (2018), Size- and temperature-dependent bending rigidity of graphene using modal analysis, In Carbon Volume 139 p.334-341.
  6. Rob Nijsse, Special issue Hebron, In Heron Volume 63 p.1-220.
  7. Telesilla Bristogianni, Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Clarissa Justino de Lima, Fred Veer, Rob Nijsse, Structural cast glass components manufactured from waste glass: Diverting everyday discarded glass from the landfill to the building industry, In Heron Volume 63 p.57-102.
  8. Lida Barou, Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Telesilla Bristogianni, Fred Veer, Rob Nijsse, Structural glass: A new remedial tool for the consolidation of historic structures, In Heron Volume 63 p.159-198.
  9. Paul Korswagen Eguren, Edwin Meulman, Valentina Mariani, Testing, Characterisation, And Modelling Of Nehobo Floors For Groningen Seismic Assessment: Intermediate Report: Laboratory Tests and Numerical Models
  10. Tiziano li Piani, Jaap Weerheijm, L. Koene, Lambertus J. Sluys, The adobe delta damage model, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.921-932, CRC Press.


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