
All publications

  1. M Musivand Arzanfudi, RIN Al-Khoury, LJ Sluys, Modeling two-phase flow in heterogeneous layered systems, In International conference on porous media and annual meeting of the International Society for Porous Media p.1-7, Interpore.
  2. B Vandoren, K de Proft, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Modelling crack initiation and propagation in masonry using the partition of unity method, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures FraMCoS-8 p.1-9, CIMNE.
  3. G Giardina, Modelling of settlement induced building damage
  4. KN van Dalen, Multi-component acoustic characterization of porous media
  5. O Lloberas Valls, Multiscale domain decomposition analysis of quasi-brittle materials
  6. R Esposito, MAN Hendriks, Multiscale material model for asr-affected concrete structures, In International conference on computational plasticity. Fundamentals and applications p.490-501, s.n..
  7. B Belletti, C Damoni, MAN Hendriks, Non-linear finite element analyses of existing reinforced concrete bridge beams, In IABSE symposium report 2013 assesment, upgrading and refurbishment of infrastructures p.1631-1638, IABSE.
  8. B Belletti, C Damoni, MAN Hendriks, JA den Uijl, Nonlinear finite element analyses of reinforced concrete slabs: Comparison of safety formats, In FraMCoS-8 proceedings of the VIII international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures p.1546-1557, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
  9. G Giardina, AV van de Graaf, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, A Marini, Numerical analysis of a masonry façade subject to tunnelling-induced settlements, In Engineering Structures Volume 54 p.234-247.
  10. B Belletti, R Esposito, C Damoni, Numerical prediction of the response of a squat shear wall subjected to monotonic loading through parc_cl model, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures FraMCoS-8 p.398-409, CIMNE.


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