
All publications

  1. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, C1- Continuous crack propagation for mixed-mode fracture problems, In COMPLAS XII Proceedings of the XII international conference on computational plasticity. Fundamentals and applications p.1-12, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
  2. FP van der Meer, CG Davila, Cohesive modeling of transverse cracking in laminates under in-plane loading with a single layer of elements per ply, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 50 p.3308-3318.
  3. P Stroeven, H He, Concrete, from a centuries-old construction material to modern particle-based composite concepts, In Particulate products: Tailoring properties for optimal performance p.209-251, Springer.
  4. M Talebian, RIN Al-Khoury, LJ Sluys, Coupled electrokinetic-hydromechanic model for co2 Sequestration in Porous Media, In Transport in Porous Media Volume 98 p.287-321.
  5. LF Magalhaes Pereira, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Damage prediction in a concrete bar due to a compression and tension pulse, In The 15th international symposium on interaction of the effects of munitions with structures (ISIEMS) p.1-10, s.n..
  6. LF Magalhaes Pereira, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Damage prediction in a concrete bar due to extreme dynamic loading
  7. X Liu, A Scarpas, J Li, G Tzimiris, R Hofman, J Voskuilen, Development of test method for assessing the bonding characteristics of membrane layers in wearing course laid on orthotropic steel bridge decks, In Transportation research board p.1-14, Transportation Research Board (TRB).
  8. M Schevenels, S McGinn, A Rolvink, JL Coenders, Discrete design optimization accounting for practical constraints, In Proceedings of the international association for shell and spatial structures (IASS) symposium 2013 "Beyond the limits of man" p.1-6, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej.
  9. AS Agar Ozbek, J Weerheijm, E Schlangen, K van Breugel, Drop weight impact strength of porous concretes investigated with a measurement technique using laser doppler velocimetry, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures FraMCoS-8 p.976-987, CIMNE.
  10. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, A van Seters, G Hannink, Dutch approach to geotechnical design by Eurocode 7, based on probabilistic analyses, In Modern Geotechnical Design Codes of Practice p.128-139, IOS Press.


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