
All publications

  1. A. Hilberink, AM Gresnigt, LJ Sluys, Liner wrinkling of lined pipe under compression, a numberical and experimental investigation, In Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering OMAE2010-20285 (4) p.1-10, ASME.
  2. P Stroeven, Low-cycle compression fatigue of reinforced concrete structures, In 10th International Fatigue Congress p.310-314, Elsevier.
  3. T Heitmann, AJM Schmets, J Gaddy, J Lamsal, M Petrovic, T Vojta, W Montfrooij, Magnetic excitations in the spinel compound Lix[Mn1.96Li0.04]O4 (x= 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0):how a classical system can mimic quantum critical scaling, In Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) Volume 81 p.014411-1-014411-9.
  4. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, Mesh-independent modeling of both distributed and discrete matrix cracking in interaction with delamination in composites, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 77 p.719-735.
  5. K de Proft, K Heyens, LJ Sluys, Mesoscopic modelling of masonry failure, In Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering and Computational Mechanics Volume 164 p.41-46.
  6. P Stroeven, Methodology of modeling fiber reinforcement in concrete elements, In Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures - FraMCOS-7 p.1418-1428, s.n..
  7. VP Nguyen, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Micromechanical modelling of concretes, In Computational modelling of concrete structures - euro-c 2010 p.547-552, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  8. E Masad, S Koneru, A Scarpas, EAAM Kassem, KR Rajagopal, Modeling of hot-mix asphalt compaction: a thermodynamics-based compressible viscoelastic model: chapter 7: simulation of field compaction
  9. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Multiscale analysis of heterogeneous brittle materials using domain decomposition techniques, In Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering p.1-8, ECCM 11.
  10. G Giardina, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, A Marini, Numerical analysis of the settlement induced damage to palazzo loggia in Brescia, In 8IMC p.267-276, International Masonry Society.


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