
All publications

  1. A Kudarova, KN van Dalen, GG Drijkoningen, Models for seismic wave propagation in periodically layered porous media, In Proceedings of the 5th international geosciences student conference, IGSC5 p.192-195, Layered Porous Media.
  2. O Lloberas-Valls, FPX Everdij, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Multiscale analysis of damage using dual and primal domain decomposition techniques, In Proceedings of the 11th world congress on computational mechanics, 5th European conference on computational mechanics, 6th European conference on computational fluid dynamics p.3524-3534, CIMNE.
  3. MAN Hendriks, A de Boer, JA den Uijl, B Belletti, C Damoni, Nonlinear FEA guideline for modelling of concrete infrastructure objects, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.977-985, CRC Press.
  4. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Numerical analysis of fibre-reinforced concrete with a generalized finite element method, In Proceedings of the 3rd international RILEM conference on strain hardening cementitious composites (SHCC3-Delft) p.227-234, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L..
  5. C Damoni, B Belletti, R Esposito, Numerical prediction of the response of a squat shear wall subjected to monotonic loading, In European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering Volume 18 p.754-769.
  6. MM Arzanfudi, RIN Al-Khoury, On the theory of CO2 geo-sequestration, In Computational models for CO2 geo-sequestration and compressed air energy storage p.11-77, CRC Press.
  7. M Malagu, E Benvenuti, CA Duarte, A Simone, One-dimensional nonlocal and gradient elasticity: Assessment of high order approximation schemes, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 275 p.138-158.
  8. LBN Le, P Stroeven, Packing issue in cement blending for sustainability developments - Approach by discrete element method, In Proceedings of the international conference on non-traditional cement and concrete, ICNTCC2014 p.147-150, NOVPRESS.
  9. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Reliabilty based structural design, In Proceedings of the European safety and reliability conference p.45-53, CRC Press.
  10. KN van Dalen, D Mikesell, EN Ruigrok, CPA Wapenaar, Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise observations using multi-dimensional deconvolution


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