
All publications

  1. D Dias-da-Costa, JMV Alfaiate, LJ Sluys, E. Júlio, A discrete strong discontinuity approach, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 76 p.1176-1201.
  2. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A domain decomposition approach to multiscale analysis for structures with softening materials, In 7th EUROMECH Solid mechanics conference p.1-15, s.n..
  3. N Kringos, AJM Schmets, AT Pauli, A Scarpas, A finite element based chemo-mechanical model to simulate healing of bituminous materials, In Chemo-mechanics of bituminous materials p.69-75, Delft University of Technology.
  4. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A partition of unity finite element method for fibre reinforced materials, In Int. conf. on extended finite element methods - recent developments and applications, XFEM 2009 p.161-164, s.n..
  5. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, A phantom node formulation with mixed mode cohesive law for splitting in laminates, In International Journal of Fracture Volume 158 p.107-124.
  6. K Heyens, K de Proft, LJ Sluys, A smooth yield surface based on interpolation of Bézier curves for masonry modelling, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  7. N Kringos, A Scarpas, AT Pauli, R. Robertson, A thermodynamic approach to healing in bitumen, In Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials p.123-132, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  8. Erik-Jan Scholten, AAA Molenaar, MFC van de Ven, MR Poot, X Liu, A Scarpas, Advanced testing of SBS modified asphalt base courses, In 2nd European Airport Pavement Workshop p.1-11, CROW.
  9. GF Peng, Z Guo, P Stroeven, R Gao, GH Huang, Advances in research on correlation of workability and rheology of of fresh concrete: A review, In Key Engineering Materials Volume 405-406 p.77-82.
  10. GF Peng, Z Guo, P Stroeven, R Gao, JF Zhang, Advances in research on influence of raw materials on workability of fresh concrete: A review, In Key Engineering Materials Volume 405-406 p.83-88.


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