
All publications

  1. HM Muhlhaus, EP Busso, ASJ Suiker, LJ Sluys, Instabilities across the scales III, In Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003) Volume 92 p.3403-3752.
  2. MH Faber, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, JR Casas, NP Hoj, Introduction: Robustness, In Structural Engineering International Volume 22 p.66-66.
  3. FP van der Meer, Mesolevel modeling of failure in composite laminates: Constitutive, kinematic and algorithmic aspects, In Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering Volume 19 p.381-425.
  4. P Stroeven, LBN Le, H He, Methodological approaches to 3D pore structure exploration in cementitious materials, In Key Engineering Materials Volume 517 p.305-314.
  5. FP van der Meer, CG Davila, Modeling transverse cracking in laminates with a single layer of elements per ply, In Proceedings of the 15th european conference on composite materials, ECCM15 p.1-8, s.n..
  6. J Weerheijm, A Stolz, W Riedel, J Mediavilla, Modelling loading and break-up of RC structure due to internal explosion of fragmenting shells, In 22nd International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS22) p.1-20, s.n..
  7. Sebastiaan Ensink, Anne van de Graaf, A.T. Slobbe, Max Hendriks, Joop den Uijl, Jan Rots, Modelling of bond behaviour by means of sequentially linear analysis and concrete-to-steel interface elements, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium" Bond in concrete 2012: Bond, Anchorage, Detailing" Volume 1 p.161-167.
  8. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, BJ Leira, M Sykora, Modelling of hazards, In Structural Engineering International Volume 22 p.73-78.
  9. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Multiscale domain decomposition analysis of quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 89 p.1337-1366.
  10. VP Nguyen, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Multiscale failure modeling of concrete: Micromechanical modeling, discontinuous homogenization and parallel computations, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 201-204 p.139-156.


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