
All publications

  1. A. Tavus, F. Messali, NLPO analysis of a free standing house with the SLaMA method: Module 3 – Harmonisatie berekeningsmethode
  2. M. Longo, A. Singla, F. Messali, NLTH and NLPO analyses of Building A: Module 3 – Harmonisatie berekeningsmethode
  3. M. Longo, A. Singla, F. Messali, NLTH and NLPO analyses of Building B: Module 3 – Harmonisatie berekeningsmethode
  4. M. Pari, M. A.N. Hendriks, J. G. Rots, (2020), Non-proportional loading in sequentially linear solution procedures for quasi-brittle fracture: A comparison and perspective on the mechanism of stress redistribution, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 230.
  5. L. Chang, J.G. Rots, R. Esposito, Numerical Modelling Of Two-Way Out-Of-Plane Bending Tests On URM Walls: The Influence Of Lateral Boundary Conditions, In 17th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference (17thIB2MaC 2020), Taylor & Francis.
  6. Yi Xia, Matthijs Langelaar, Max A.N. Hendriks, (2020), Optimization-based three-dimensional strut-and-tie model generation for reinforced concrete, In Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Volume 36 (2021) p.526-543.
  7. Noori BniLam, Rafid Al-Khoury, (2020), Parameter identification algorithm for ground source heat pump systems, In Applied Energy Volume 264.
  8. Ilias Charitos, Anastasios Drougkas, Evagelia Kontou, (2020), Prediction of the elastic modulus of LLDPE/CNT nanocomposites by analytical modeling and finite element analysis, In Materials Today Communications Volume 24.
  9. G.M. Anagni, T. Bristogianni, F. Oikonomopoulou, Paolo Rigone, Enrico Sergio Mazzucchelli, Recycled Glass Mixtures as Cast Glass Components for Structural Applications, Towards Sustainability, In Challenging Glass Conference, TU Delft OPEN Publishing.
  10. F. Oikonomopoulou, I.S. Bhatia, F.A. van der Weijst, J.T.W. Damen, T. Bristogianni, Rethinking the Cast Glass Mould: An Exploration on Novel Techniques for Generating Complex and Customized Geometries, In Challenging Glass Conference, TU Delft OPEN Publishing.


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