
All publications

  1. C Keijdener, A Metrikine, An efficient method for computing the time domain response of a floating ice block including hydrodynamics, In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on port and ocean engineering under arctic conditions, POAC15 p.1-14, Lulea University of Technology.
  2. Rafid al Khoury, Mehdi Musivand Arzanfudi, An electrokinetic model for monitoring CO2 geosequestration
  3. P Stroeven, K Li, LBN Le, H He, M Stroeven, Capabilities for property assessment on different levels of the micro-structure of DEM-simulated cementitious materials, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 88 p.105-117.
  4. M Talebian, Computational modeling of hydro-electro-mechanical flow during CO2 geosequestration
  5. J van der Steen, JL Coenders, S Pasterkamp, A Rolvink, J van Steekelenburg, Computational reuse optimisation for stadium design, In Proceedings of the international association for shell and spatial structures (IASS) p.1-6, KIVI.
  6. G Shamsutdinova, PB Rike, MAN Hendriks, S Jacobsen, Concrete ice abrasion rig and wear measurements, In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on port and ocean engineering under arctic conditions, POAC15 p.1-4, Lulea University of Technology.
  7. Giorgia Giardina, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Damage functions for the vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings subjected to tunneling, In Journal of Structural Engineering Volume 141 p.04014212-1-04014212-13.
  8. NLB Le, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Demonstration and validation by simple examples of a complete analogue porosimetry methodology for virtual cement pastes on micro-level, In Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on brittle matrix composites, BMC-11 p.1-10, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS.
  9. R Shamasundar, RIN Al-Khoury, WA Mulder, Dispersion analysis of finite-element schemes for a first-order formulation of the wave equation, In Proceedings of the 77th EAGE conference and exhibition, 2015 p.1-5, EAGE.
  10. J Fan, J Weerheijm, LJ Sluys, Dynamic compressive mechanical response of a soft polymer material, In Materials and Design Volume 79 p.73-85.


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