
All publications

  1. J Fan, T Fu, Deformation and fracture mechanism of materials under the punch loading, In Materials Letters Volume 74 p.232-235.
  2. R Esposito, MAN Hendriks, Degradation of the mechanical properties in ASR- affected concrete: overview and modeling, In Numerical modeling strategies for sustainable concrete structures p.1-11, s.n..
  3. AS Agar Ozbek, J Weerheijm, E Schlangen, K van Breugel, Drop weight impact strength measurement method for porous concrete using laser doppler velocimetry, In Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Volume 24 p.1328-1336.
  4. CS Rodrigues, MA Pereira, SC Figueiredo, K Ghavami, P Stroeven, Durability of cellulose-cement composites assessed by accelerated testing under temperature and moisture variations effects of blending by rice husk ash, In Brittle matrix composites 10 p.387-396, Woodhead Publishing.
  5. A Bigaj-van Vliet, SMJG Erkens, AJM Schmets, MA op 't Hof, Evaluatie InfraQuest 2011: Kennisontwikkeling, samenwerking en borging
  6. G Giardina, A Marini, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, F Rizzardini, E Giuriani, Experimental analysis of a masonry façade subject to tunnelling-induced settlement, In Engineering Structures Volume 45 p.421-434.
  7. M Malagu, E Benvenuti, A Simone, Finite element and b-spline methods for one-dimensional non-local elasticity, In European congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) p.1-12, s.n..
  8. H Mortier, JH Jonker, JG Rots, GJ Hobbelman, G Giardina, MAN Hendriks, Increasing allowable deformation criteria through application of level II LTSM approach, In World tunnel congress p.2232-2239, Taylor & Francis.
  9. SN Nahar, AJM Schmets, A Scarpas, G Schitter, Influence of thermal conditioning on microstructures of bituminous materials, In Proceedings of "SPM on SPM, international conference on scanning probe microscopy on soft and polymeric materials p.10-13, Twente University.
  10. HM Muhlhaus, EP Busso, ASJ Suiker, LJ Sluys, Instabilities across the scales III, In Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003) Volume 92 p.3403-3404.


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