
All publications

  1. J Mediavilla Varas, J Weerheijm, JCAM Doormaal, MPM Rhijnsburger, An experimental-numerical study on the effects of cased ammunition explotions on RC structures, In 13th Int Symposium on Interaction of the effects of munitions with structures p.1-8, s.n..
  2. H Karadeniz, V Togan, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, An integrated reliability-based design optimization of offshore towers, In Reliability Engineering & System Safety Volume 94 p.1510-1516.
  3. A Simone, E van der Giessen, CA Duarte, Analysis of freely sliding creeping polycrystals with a generalized finite element method, In Int. conf. on extended finite element methods - recent developments and applications, XFEM 2009 p.195-198, s.n..
  4. Z Shabir, E van der Giessen, CA Duarte, A Simone, Analysis of intergranular crack propagation in brittle polycrystals with a generalized finite element method and a network algorithm, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  5. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Application of domain decomposition techniques for the multiscale modeling of softening materials, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  6. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, Applications of domain decomposition techniques for the multiscale modeling of softening materials, In Proceedings of the international conference on computational plasticity - COMPLAS X p.1-4, CIMNE.
  7. CS Rodrigues, P Stroeven, K Gavami, Assesment by law of mixtures approach of interfacial adhesion strength in cellulose-cement composites, In Proc. Int. Symp. "Brittle matrix composites 9" p.71-80, Woodhead Publishing.
  8. DL Allaix, G Mancini, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Assessment method for highway bridges, In Safety, reliability and risk of structures, infrastructures and engineering systems p.1084-1091, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  9. G Giardina, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Assessment of the settlement vulnerability of masonry buildings, In Building materials and building technology for preservation of the built heritage p.141-157, WTA Publications.
  10. M Nikbakht, GN Wells, Automated modelling of evolving discontinuities, In Journal of Algorithms Volume 2 p.1008-1030.


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