
All publications

  1. Karel Terwel, Contributing human and organizational factors for the failure of balconies in Maastricht, In 20th Congress of IABSE, New York City 2019 p.2166-2172.
  2. Samira Jafari, Jan G. Rots, Rita Esposito, (2019), Core testing method to assess nonlinear behavior of brick masonry under compression: A comparative experimental study, In Construction and Building Materials Volume 218 p.193-205.
  3. Paul A. Korswagen, Michele Longo, Edwin Meulman, Jan G. Rots, (2019), Crack initiation and propagation in unreinforced masonry specimens subjected to repeated in-plane loading during light damage, In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Volume 17 p.4651-4687.
  4. F. Messali, G.J.P. Ravenshorst, Database of connections: characteristics and properties
  5. M. Goudarzi, A. Simone, (2019), Discrete inclusion models for reinforced composites: Comparative performance analysis and modeling challenges, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 355 p.535-557.
  6. Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Telesilla Bristogianni, Lida Barou, Fred Veer, Dry interlayers out of cast polyurethane rubber for interlocking cast glass structures: experimental exploration and validation, In Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications p.1709-1714, CRC Press.
  7. Magdalena J. Osmolska, Terje Kanstad, Max A.N. Hendriks, Karla Hornbostel, Gro Markeset, (2019), Durability of pretensioned concrete girders in coastal climate bridges: Basis for better maintenance and future design, In Structural Concrete Volume 20 p.2256-2271.
  8. Tiziano li Piani, Jaap Weerheijm, M. Peroni, L. Koene, G. Solomos, Lambertus J. Sluys, Dynamic characterization of adobe in compression: the influence of fibre fraction in soil mixtures, In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures.
  9. Tiziano li Piani, Jaap Weerheijm, Lambertus J. Sluys, Dynamic simulation of masonry materials at different loading velocities using an updated damage delay algorithm of regularization: theory and practical applications
  10. T. Li Piani, J. Weerheijm, L. J. Sluys, (2019), Dynamic simulations of traditional masonry materials at different loading rates using an enriched damage delay: Theory and practical applications, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 218.


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