
All publications

  1. K Roscoe, F Diermanse, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, System reliability with correlated components: Accuracy of the Equivalent Planes method, In Structural Safety Volume 57 p.53-64.
  2. S. Jafari, L. Panoutsopoulou, J.G. Rots, Tests for the characterization of original Groningen masonry (C31B60-3)
  3. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, The Thick Level Set method: Sliding deformations and damage initiation, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 285 p.64-82.
  4. A Sillem, A Simone, LJ Sluijs, The orthonormalized generalized finite element method-OGFEM: Efficient and stable reduction of approximation errors through multiple orthonormalized enriched basis functions, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 287 p.112-149.
  5. A Tsouvalas, KN van Dalen, A Metrikine, The significance of the evanescent spectrum in structure-waveguide interaction problems, In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Volume 138 p.2574-2588.
  6. Rita Esposito, Max Hendriks, Towards structural modelling of alkali-silica reaction in concrete, In Durability of Reinforced Concrete from Composition to Protection p.179-188, Springer.
  7. KN van Dalen, A Tsouvalas, A Metrikine, JS Hoving, Transition radiation excited by a surface load that moves over the interface of two elastic layers, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 73-74 p.99-112.
  8. A Tsouvalas, Underwater noise generated by offshore pile driving
  9. T Schweckendiek, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Value of information in retrofitting of flood defenses, In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on applications of statistics and probability in civil engineering, ICASP12 p.1-8, UBC Library.
  10. M Musivand Arzanfudi, RIN Al-Khoury, LJ Sluys, A computational model for CO2 leakage in heterogeneous formation, In Proceedings of the 11th world congress on computational mechanics, 5th European conference on computational mechanics, 6th European conference on computational fluid dynamics p.1-2, CIMNE.


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