
All publications

  1. JC Walraven, B Belletti, R Esposito, Shear capacity of normal, lightweight, and high-strength concrete beams according to model code 2010. II: Experimental results versus nonlinear finite element program results, In Journal of Structural Engineering Volume 139 p.1600-1607.
  2. B Belletti, C Damoni, JA den Uijl, MAN Hendriks, JC Walraven, Shear resistance evaluation of prestressed concrete bridge beams: fib model code 2010 guidelines for level IV approximations, In Structural Concrete Volume 14 p.242-249.
  3. H Karadeniz, Stochastic analysis of offshore steel structures: An analytical appraisal
  4. K Li, M Stroeven, P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Strategy for exploring the pore structure of cementitious materials based on a DEM approach
  5. X Liu, A. Scarpas, J Li, G Tzimiris, Study of the performance of membrane material between the asphalt concrete surfacing layers and the decks of steel bridges, In Proceedings of the 2013 airfield & highway pavement conference: Sustainable and efficient pavements p.1434-1444, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
  6. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, Systematic assessment of directional mesh bias with periodic boundary conditions: Applied to the crack band model, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 109 p.186-208.
  7. T Schweckendiek, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, EOF Calle, W Kanning, RB Jongejan, Target reliabilities and partial factors for flood defenses in the Netherlands, In Modern Geotechnical Design Codes of Practice p.311-328, IOS Press.
  8. SN Nahar, AJM Schmets, A Scarpas, G Schitter, Temperature and thermal history dependence of the microstructure in bituminous materials, In European Polymer Journal Volume 49 p.1964-1974.
  9. SN Nahar, AJM Schmets, T Scarpas, G Schitter, Temperature induced healing in strained bituminous materials observed by atomic force microscopy, In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on self-healing materials p.489-493, s.n..
  10. X Liu, T Scarpas, J Li, G Tzimiris, R Hofman, J Voskuilen, Test method to assess bonding characteristics of membrane layers in wearing course on orthotropic steel bridge decks, In Transportation Research Record Volume 2360 p.77-83.


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