
All publications

  1. Paul Korswagen Eguren, Michele Longo, Edwin Meulman, C.A. van Hoogdalem, Damage sensitivity of Groningen masonry structures – Experimental and computational studies: Stream 1
  2. M. Malagù, M. Goudarzi, Alexey Lyulin, E Benvenuti, A. Simone, Diameter-dependent elastic properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites: Emergence of size effects from atomistic-scale simulations, In Composites Part B: Engineering Volume 131 p.260-281.
  3. Behrouz Arash, Barend J. Thijsse, Alessandro Pecenko, Angelo Simone, Effect of water content on the thermal degradation of amorphous polyamide 6,6: A collective variable-driven hyperdynamics study, In Polymer Degradation and Stability Volume 146 p.260-266.
  4. W. G. Versteijlen, F. W. Renting, P. L.C. van der Valk, J. Bongers, K.N. van Dalen, A. V. Metrikine, Effective soil-stiffness validation: Shaker excitation of an in-situ monopile foundation, In Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 102 p.241-262.
  5. Pim Versteijlen, Frank Renting, P.L.C. Valk, van der, J. Bongers, Karel van Dalen, Andrei Metrikine, Effective stiffness method for rigid monopile foundations of offshore wind turbines and in-situ validation, In Procedia Engineering Volume 199 p.3248–3253.
  6. Kai Li, Martijn Stroeven, Piet Stroeven, Lambertus J. Sluys, Effects of technological parameters on permeability estimation of partially saturated cement paste by a DEM approach, In Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 84 p.222-231.
  7. S. S. Gómez, A. Metrikine, Evaluation of the applicability of an energy method to calculate the damping in a lab-scale structure, In X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017 Volume 199 p.459-464, Elsevier.
  8. M. Latifi, F. P. van der Meer, L. J. Sluys, Fatigue modeling in composites with the thick level set interface method, In Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Volume 101 p.72-80.
  9. Xiao Wei Liu, Da Gang Lu, Pierre C.J. Hoogenboom, Hierarchical Bayesian fatigue data analysis, In International Journal of Fatigue Volume 100 p.418-428.
  10. I. Barcelos Carneiro M Rocha, S Raijmaekers, R. P.L. Nijssen, F. P. van der Meer, L. J. Sluys, Hygrothermal ageing behaviour of a glass/epoxy composite used in wind turbine blades, In Composite Structures Volume 174 p.110-122.


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