Dorrete Regout


Dorette graduated in 2021 with an MSc. degree in Hydraulic Engineering at the faculty of Civil Engineering of Delft University of Technology. Her master’s thesis involved a hydroelastic analysis of a multi-module Very Large Floating Structure, in which she developed a numerical (FEM) model to investigate the complex relation between the system’s hydroelastic response and internal loads, when subjected to regular waves.

In January 2022 Dorette started as a PhD candidate at the section of Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk. Her research will address the impact of water-related natural disasters on structures. Specific attention will be given to the unsteady nature of these processes, focusing on the interplay between air and water and its implication in hydraulic and structural aspects


Dorette Regout

PhD Candidate

  • Room number: 3.44

    Faculty of CEG
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    PO box 5048
    2600 GA Delft

Availability: Mon - Fri