News & Agenda

19 July 2024

Scale model of Indian Ocean island allows scientists to assess the impact of rising sea levels

Scale model of Indian Ocean island allows scientists to assess the impact of rising sea levels

17 July 2024

Revealing coastal sediment pathways

Revealing coastal sediment pathways

26 June 2024

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Reef-lined islands are often low-lying and thus extremely vulnerable to coastal flooding. The vanishing of coral reefs worldwide gives the waves free rein. Besides efforts to protect the reefs, ways to artificially restore coral reefs are being devised. Can the proposed reef restoration be an effective mitigation measure against flooding?

24 May 2024

Remote sensing research reveals pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine

Remote sensing research reveals pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine

New findings from a spaceborne monitoring team of University of Houston, TU Delft and DLR indicates the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine may have been already ongoing before the war with Russia, with deformations in the dam pre-dating the actual collapse. The results were published in the journal Nature Communications Earth and Environment this month.

11 April 2024

Mangroves that can protect coastlines worldwide

Mangroves that can protect coastlines worldwide

High waves startle mangroves for days during an experiment at the Delta wave flume in Delft. Researchers from Deltares and TU Delft keep increasing the force on the trees. They test how strong the mangrove trees are under extreme wave conditions and what contribution they make to water safety.

20 March 2024

New Mangrove Living Lab result from collaboration with TU Delft

New Mangrove Living Lab result from collaboration with TU Delft

In Vietnam, the newly established Mangrove Living Lab has been put into operation. Here, ideas for restoring mangrove forests to protect the Mekong Delta from water are being tested. Today Minister Mark Harbers of Infrastructure and Water Management visited the lab, which is a result of years of cooperation in education and research between TU Delft and Thuy Loi University in Hanoi.

19 March 2024

Salt marshes put to test in wave flume

Salt marshes put to test in wave flume

Can salt marshes serve as a natural solution for flood protection? Researchers of the project ‘Living Dikes’ transported 62 big blocks of salt marshes, containing soil and vegetation, from the coast of Friesland to the Delta Flume at Deltares. After four weeks of exposure to extreme waves, almost the entire salt marsh is still standing there.

22 January 2024

Students crafting flood resilience during hackathon

Students crafting flood resilience during hackathon

During the 182nd Dies Natalis of TU Delft, we delved into the theme of "Redesigning Deltas" to underline that we need rethink our approach to keep deltas around the world safe and liveable in the future. As part of the preceding Delta week, we organised a hackathon. On 9 January, students joined forces and took up the challenge: Crafting flood resilience in the Rotterdam region.

08 January 2024

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

A team of researchers from TU Delft has succeeded in long-term mapping of beach topography to within a few centimetres. The unique dataset provides insights into coastal changes for every hour, for three years. This data is important for dune maintenance and to keep the hinterland well protected. The methodology is also being used to monitor other coastlines and even glaciers. The data are open source and published in Nature, and the new methodology was also recently published.

11 September 2023

successful participation of HE department at the ESREL conference 2023.

successful participation of HE department at the ESREL conference 2023.

The HE department had a successful participation at the European Safety and Reliability Association conference ESREL 2023. Leslie Mooyart, Gina Torres, Miguel Mendoza, Guus Rongen, Rieke Santjer, and myself (on behalf of Patricia Mares) presented papers at the conference.