Stichting DAP

Stichting DAP is an organisation which originated around 10 years ago by a group of students and industry who first imagined a geothermal well on campus (DAP = Delft Aardwarmte Project). Stichting DAP seeks to promote the general use of geothermal energy for heating and energy production in the Netherlands by generating and disseminating knowledge through DAP's “3O programme” for research, education and development (Onderwijs, Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling). Initiation of research projects, teaching and engagement in international networks by TU Delft was made possible by the support of Stichting DAP.

At the present time, Stichting DAP is an organisation, outside of the university, which represents a group of industrial parties and alumni with an interest in geothermal energy.  They are able to financially efficiently receive sponsorship (i.e. with a tax benefit to the sponsors), which is then typically used to fund students and research at TU Delft in geothermal energy.
