Students work

Research and education activities are carried out in parallel at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment; thus, researchers, teachers and students influence, inspire and give feedback to each other. In the Beyond the Current project, a number of students worked on generating design solutions for the deep renovation of representative parts of the more complicated housing stock to increase its energy efficiency and architectural quality. The progress and results of the studio were reviewed by a group of postdocs working on the same topic.

Current dwelling complexes lack programmatic, technical and aesthetic quality. Finding new interpretations of housing in existing buildings was the topic of this graduation studio. The interests of residents are the starting point for sustainable housing transformation projects. How to meet those needs in a sustainable and affordable way is the central question. New notions of quality were explored by the students: qualities for the user (Luxury), environmental improvements (Energy) and social aspects and feasibility (Economy).

Heritage & Architecture Graduation studio

Re-Housing, Luxury, Energy and Economy, Selected projects Fall semester 2016-2017

House as a mediator
Heejin Chung

Reducing the energy demand and creating quality for the users with observance of (historical) values in renovation
Rick Hoofd

Architectural Engineering Studio (Intecture)

Selected projects 2016-2018

Fortune Seekers Welcome: Rethinking the housing for status holders
Dincer Ercel

Vibrant Elderly Housing; Regenerating post-war apartments with the addition of a greenhouse.
Xiaoyi Yao

Camera Obscura; Influence of architectural interventions for post-war housing on energy performance
Ruben van den Boom