Simone Hermans

Technologies and Aesthetics

De Wadloper

This project revises the static nature of architecture to respond dynamically to the changing environment. The landscape of Groningen will be subject to change due to climate change, as this area is prone to flooding. A master plan for creating a resilient landscape for future changes introduces a new tidal area: the Lauwerssea. This climate buffer, connected to the Wadden Sea, collects and retains water, prevents flooding and reduces heat and CO2.

A new visitor centre, mainly for mudflat hiking (wadlopen) is designed through modelling and combines new technologies and aesthetics. The complex consists of two buildings: a traditional 'static' building and an innovative 'dynamic' pavilion. The pavilion, made of sustainable materials, is composed of different modules and is fully demountable. The modules can be deconstructed and connected to the other side of the building; therefore the building can 'walk' across the mudflats, adapting to changing conditions such as rising sea levels.

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