Gili Hofland

Architectural Engineering

Leveling up Engaging with Water: Integrating water sensitive design interventions to combat water floods and droughts and enhance our well-being, while stimulating stakeholders and communities to engage in collective water management

As accelerating climate change causes unpredictable floods and droughts, cities are urged to implement water-retaining structures to create future-proof, healthy urban environments. Despite the critical importance of water management, public awareness remains low, posing a challenge for planners and designers to engage stakeholders in collective efforts. Integrating biomimetic and biophilic design aspects, rooted in natural principles, offers aesthetically pleasing, sustainable solutions that stimulate public understanding.

Therefore, the project introduces a sponge architecture typology that adapts to changing flood levels, aiming to inspire communities and architects to develop water-saving initiatives by incorporating biophilia and biomimicry. Water functions as a visually enriching design element to enhance well-being and community bonding, using London’s natural landscape as a foundation. Although affordability remains a challenge, the project emphasizes water-resiliency by linking landscape design and urban planning, social sustainability awareness, the investment capacity of investors and the water’s positive impact on our health.