Caroline Rosenzweig

Explore Lab

The Quaker Project at Brigflatts: Re-activating a historically significant site in the Yorkshire Dales National Park

This project seeks to re-activate a historically and spiritually significant site in North-West England while balancing the needs of its faith group, the surrounding national park and local residents.
The design proposal includes three new structures—a bunk barn, an artist residency studio and a gallery—designed to attract visitors and provide financial stability for the Quaker community. The buildings are informed by the local landscape, cultural heritage and Quaker values, using sustainable materials and methods, and emphasising simplicity, accessibility and connection. 

This project explores how architecture can be attuned to its location and inhabitants, creating meaningful spaces that support social routines, interact with the local climate and integrate with the existing atmosphere. Additionally, it aligns with the national park’s goals for sustainable tourism and improved architectural quality, ensuring long-term benefits for the site and its surroundings, and envisioning a future of creative development in the park.