Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards 2023-2024

The Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards recognise the contribution BK graduation students make to the transition toward a circular built environment. These annual awards aim to stimulate research and innovation in the field of circularity in the built environment.

Participation is open to all TU Delft students from the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment who graduated in the academic year 2023/2024.

The Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards is an initiative of the Circular Built Environment Hub of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Award categories

Submitted projects span over four categories:

  • Materials & Components (Tillmann Klein Award)
  • Buildings & Neighbourhoods
  • Cities & Regions
  • Cross-Scale Projects

Submissions in each category will be judged on scientific and societal relevance for the circular built environment, innovativeness and design quality.


Winners of the Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards will receive an award certificate and a prize money to spend on activities that enables them to further develop their own project, to deepen their knowledge or expand their network in the field. The winners will receive support from the Circular Built Environment Hub.


The jury panel is composed of members of the Circular Built Environment Hub and winners of the fourth edition of the Circularity in the Built Environment Graduation Awards.

Submission deadline

The submission deadline is Friday 30 August 2024.  The winners will be announced in October 2024. 

Submission criteria and guidelines

  • Entry is open to graduation students from the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.  
  • The graduation project must have been completed in the academic year 2023 – 2024.
  • The topic of the graduation project must be related to circularity in the built environment.
  • Students can only enter in one category. The jury reserves the right to move an entry into a different category if they consider it a better fit. 
  • The submission must be in English.
  • By participating students agree to be featured on the website of the Circular Built Environment Hub and other TU Delft communication channels and to provide additional information if required.

How to submit

Please fill in both submission templates.
The nominated projects will be exhibited at the faculty. Hence the request to also submit the poster template. 
•    Submission template (A1 size - template used for the jury booklet)
•    Submission template ( A0 size - poster template used for the exhibition)

Please carefully follow the instructions mentioned in the template and below: 

  • Within the A0 template, please select one of the two graphic options. 
  • Please submit the completed templates as InDesign (.indd) as well as PDF (.pdf) file.
  • Please save the PDF file as the smallest file size.
  • Please properly name the files: LastName_Name_CBE_Award_2324
  • Please include the images in the submission templates and also add the images as seperate attachments to your e-mail.
  • The size of the files should not exceed 25 MB.

Submissions should be sent to no later than Friday 30 August 2024.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.