A.C. Boerstra

Professor of Building Services Innovation
Department of Architectural Engineering & Technology

Atze Boerstra is professor of Building Services Innovation. Boerstra studied Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft in the department of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning and obtained his PhD at TU Eindhoven in 2016 on the topic of 'Personal Control over Indoor Climate'. ‘There is an awful lot happening in the building services world at the moment.’

Don't think only in terms of technology

‘One of the conclusions of my doctoral research was that a building services design will only ‘work’ if you do not only approach it from the technical perspective, but put people first from the outset. If you have the end-user in mind from the start of your design, it always functions better. Not only in terms of health and comfort, but in terms of energy and environmental performance as well.’

Field and product development research

“One of my key tasks here at TU Delft is to set up and implement field and product development research with colleagues. Part of my objective in doing that will be to place the subject of building services more firmly on the map for stakeholders in society, and especially for architects and the current generation of students. Achieving healthy, energy-efficient and circular buildings will only be possible in the years ahead if we also aim to achieve top marks for building services as well.”


Since 1996 Boerstra has been director of the research and consultancy firm bba binnenmilieu, an engineering consultancy firm in The Hague specialising in indoor air quality and thermal comfort and its effects on people. He is also a partner at DGMR, the holding of bba. Boerstra is also a member of the scientific advisory committee of CSTB Paris / the Observatoire de la qualité de l'air intérieur (OQAI). As a TU Delft representative, he is affiliated with the Impuls knowledge group of the TVVL (Platform for Man and Technology).

More information

Education, publications and secondary employment

Funding chair: 

  • Stichting WOI, Stichting ter Bevordering van Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs en Onderzoek Installatietechniek. 

Atze Boerstra