
13 August 2024

How can BK contribute to a brand new capital

How can BK contribute to a brand new capital

An extraordinary project is underway in Indonesia's East Kalimantan province, on the island of Borneo. The hills, which were mostly covered by eucalyptus plantations just last year, are currently a tangle of roads, construction sites, pipelines, power cables... This area, comparable in size to the province of South Holland, will become Indonesia's new capital: Nusantara. Professor Steffen Nijhuis (Urbanism) visited the area as part of a delegation of the Universities Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE). He considered how LDE, and specifically Bouwkunde, can contribute to this project.

12 July 2024

Inaugural address Tess Broekmans - The complexity of the everyday

Inaugural address Tess Broekmans - The complexity of the everyday

The urban environment is constantly changing. In the city, the major transitions we are struggling with as a country and planet, such as climate, mobility, energy and housing, come together. At the same time, the city is a place where we live together and where we search with each other for practical solutions to those complex and large-scale problems. Tess Broekmans will deliver her inaugural address 'The complexity of the everyday' (De complexiteit van het alledaagse) on Friday 6 September.

11 June 2024

NWO Award for Deepti Adlakha and Marie Curie Grant for Henriette Bier

NWO Award for Deepti Adlakha and Marie Curie Grant for Henriette Bier

Two researchers at our faculty have received grants for their research proposals. Deepti Adlakha receives a personal grant from NWO Open Science - XS for her research on the effectiveness of City climate action plans. Henriette Bier receives a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchange 2023 for ArchiSpace, research that aims to develop reliable and safe extraterrestrial settlements together with MSc and PhD students.

14 February 2024

A healthy city is a city that fosters a sense of connection

A healthy city is a city that fosters a sense of connection

How do you design cities in such a way as to allow people to live as pleasurably and healthily as possible? Professor Machiel van Dorst combines his knowledge of architecture with a background in environmental psychology. For his inaugural address, Van Dorst argues for focusing on the city at eye level: “To a certain extent, where you live determines who you are.”

08 February 2024

Delft as a laboratory for BK bachelor students

Delft as a laboratory for BK bachelor students

On Tuesday 30 January, five Architecture students (TU Delft) presented hypothetical plans for the redevelopment of three Delft locations. Delft alderman Frank van Vliet (Climate, Culture and Public Space) and city master planner Tako Postma gave their reactions to the plans.

17 January 2024

Workshop at BK during the Delta week

Workshop at BK during the Delta week

On 11 January 2024 the workshop Digital Engagement in Times of Climate Crisis took place as part of the TU Delft Delta week.

10 January 2024

NWA grant and Open Science Fund awarded

NWA grant and Open Science Fund awarded

Two projects in which faculty researchers are involved or are the main applicant have recently been awarded with funding. These are the CIVILIAN project on civic engagement and the Building 4 Belonging project on loneliness.

08 January 2024

Inaugural address Steffen Nijhuis: ‘Landschapslogica’

Inaugural address Steffen Nijhuis: ‘Landschapslogica’

Urbanisation is one of the biggest challenges of this century, alongside biodiversity loss and climate change. By 2050, two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities. That implies a doubling of the number of people living in cities and a tripling of the urban footprint. Landscape-based urbanism is an approach in which the landscape is the basis for designing future-proof urban environments. On 2 February, Steffen Nijhuis will give his inaugural address 'Landschapslogica' (Landscape logic).

29 November 2023

Designing a 'Climate Change Game' as an innovative education course

Designing a 'Climate Change Game' as an innovative education course

Today's new generations, especially young people, will face constant changes in landscapes during their lifetime. Is it possible to make young people aware of how climate change will change our landscapes and cities? Can we involve children and students in co-designing the landscape, taking into account the changing climate?

27 September 2023

How to advance architecture with AI

How to advance architecture with AI

PhD candidates Nail Ibrahimli and Shenglan Du are both doing research on how to advance architecture with AI. Nail builds AI models which combine photogrammetry with artwork analysis to create stylised 3D objects. Shenglan became fascinated by processing point clouds from trees, reconstructing their shapes from raw data. For her PhD, she is extending the scope to urban objects in general.