
06 May 2021

Shortage on the owner-occupied market pushes house prices substantially

Shortage on the owner-occupied market pushes house prices substantially

The number of new homes completed in the new-build market has been falling for some years now. The consequences for the existing owner-occupied market have become increasingly clear in the last two quarters. The falling number of new-build houses is making it more difficult for the through-flow of houses already on the market as well, which is why the supply of existing owner-occupied houses for sale is declining dramatically. Some of the owner-occupiers are postponing any relocation plans or converting them into plans to rebuild their current home. The result is an unprecedented shortage of both new and existing owner-occupied houses, with sharply rising house prices and a slightly declining number of sales in the first quarter of 2021.

16 April 2021

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

Major home renovation projects often cause uncertainty and stress for the residents of social rental homes. Residents - sometimes due to a language barrier - often do not understand the impact of renovation works, find it difficult to make choices, and have little faith in the project. The use of interactive virtual reality (VR) changes this.

16 April 2021

Strandeiland - Involving citizens in urban development processes

Strandeiland - Involving citizens in urban development processes

Strandeiland is the newest artificial island in the IJburg archipelago in the IJmeer, on the east side of Amsterdam. The island is currently being constructed. With 8,000 homes, Strandeiland is one of the largest future urban districts in Amsterdam. At Strandeiland the DemoS project aims to create an inclusive community of future Strandeilanders. Particularly exciting: new methods are explored to involve residents in the area development process.

12 February 2021

Owner-occupied housing market strengthens considerably in fourth quarter despite corona crisis

Owner-occupied housing market strengthens considerably in fourth quarter despite corona crisis

Central and local governments have maintained the huge support package from the corona crisis until the end of 2020. As a result, relatively few housing consumers have actually been affected by the corona crisis in an economic sense. Combined with a prospect of vaccination, confidence in the owner-occupied housing market is fully restored in the third and fourth quarter of 2020. Residential consumers are daring to buy a (different) house in 2020, at substantial prices.

06 February 2021

Satisfaction homeworkers and the lack of a coffee machine

Satisfaction homeworkers and the lack of a coffee machine

How do the Dutch experience the corona measures in their workplace and working from home? Students from the master course Case Studies at the Department of Management of the Built Environment (MBE) put this question into research in cooperation with HEYDAY - facility management. As part of their course, they interviewed employees of a health insurance company, a chemical company, and a municipality.

01 December 2020

First prototypes of the Circular Kitchen placed in rental properties

First prototypes of the Circular Kitchen placed in rental properties

The Circular Kitchen is a kitchen that is easy to renew and lasts a lifetime. This means less resource use, emissions and waste. The kitchen consists of easily adaptable modules made of high quality, environmentally friendly material. This makes it easy to create variants that are tailored to individual preferences. The first Circular Kitchens are currently being tested in houses.

24 November 2020

Three BK alumni win NRP Master Prize 2020

Three BK alumni win NRP Master Prize 2020

This year, three BK alumni, Aditya Parulekar (Building Technology) Iris Moons (MBE) and Ananta Vania Iswardhani (Heritage & Architecture) won the first, second and third NRP Master Prize 2020.

17 November 2020

Chair of Public Real Estate agrees four-year contract with Netherlands Police

Chair of Public Real Estate agrees four-year contract with Netherlands Police

The Netherlands Police is one of the biggest owners of public real estate in the Netherlands. From police station to forensic laboratory, from listed buildings in the centre of The Hague to large-scale facilities on the motorway in Driebergen: the task of housing the Police is as diverse as it is challenging. This September saw Monique Arkesteijn and Alexandra den Heijer (Chair of Public Real Estate, MBE department) enter into a four-year cooperation contract with the Police.

06 November 2020

Owner-occupied housing market shifts to a higher gear despite Corona crisis

Owner-occupied housing market shifts to a higher gear despite Corona crisis

The scarcity on the housing market continues unabated. Relatively few residential consumers have really been affected in economic sense by the Corona crisis. This is mainly due to the enormous package of support measures provided by central and local authorities as part of the Corona crisis. Confidence in the owner-occupier housing market will recover in the third quarter of 2020.

20 October 2020

The international Exhibition TOGETHER! to Delft in Spring 2021

The international Exhibition TOGETHER! to Delft in Spring 2021

Together! is an itinerant exhibition of the German Vitra Design museum. The exhibition responds to challenges in contemporary architecture by focussing on collectivity and demand-oriented development, and shows examples of various new urban living forms from all over the world.