Walk-In Co-creation

Complex Projects


Walk-In (acronym of Widening sustAinable mobiLity networKs: Impact on Nodes) is 1-year long research project financed by NWO. It is part of the KIEM GoCi program which aims at linking Academic research with Professional knowledge.

Walk-In focuses on the relation between architectural design practice and mobility, as being the driver for change towards the sustainable development of our cities. The project has taken the small suburban stations in Rotterdam South area as a testbed for the exploration.

The group of Complex Projects, at the Department of Architecture, teamed up with several Dutch public and private partners and the creative industry. Those are: the City of Rotterdam, Deltametropolis Association, De Zwarte Hond, PosadMaxwan, Mecanoo, Bureau Spoorbouwmeester, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Water Managemet, the rail infrastructure manager Prorail. It sees also the collaboration of the University of Gustave Eiffel and AREP. The consortium partners form a new network of researchers and professionals in the creative industry, experts of design of stations and public space. The network also expanded throughout the project activities.

The program of the final event held in January 2023 can be download here.




‘Walk-In Toolkit’ is the final output, in progress (TU Open Publishing, 2023)

‘Transit Stations: Sub-centers in Rotterdam Zuid’ is the result from the students involvement in Walk-In project as part of the City of Innovations course (2022):

You can download the book here: https://books.open.tudelft.nl/home/catalog/book/51

For more information please contact the project leader.


Yagiz Soylev

Halina Veloso e Zárate

Student assistants

Jakob Noren

Sander Meert

Laura Simonsen

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