Privacy statement for job applicants to TU Delft

The privacy of job applicants is of great importance to Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). This privacy statement for job applicants explains how we deal with your personal data.

This privacy statement relates to all processing of data done by TU Delft within the framework of the job selection procedure. 

Who is responsible for your data?

Delft University of Technology, with its registered address at Mekelweg 5, 2628 CB Delft, is responsible for the processing of your data.

The Data Protection Officer monitors the application of, and compliance with, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You can reach TU Delft's Data Protection Officer at

What personal data do we process?

TU Delft processes the data provided by you regarding your job application. Your data might also be provided by a recruitment agency and processed by us. In addition to this, we also keep a record of the evaluation of your suitability for the vacancy you have applied for.

In some selection procedures an assessment, internet search and/or, in the last phase of the selection, a pre-employment screening (background check) will be conducted. The results of these checks are recorded alongside your other data by TU Delft.

Purpose for which we process your data

TU Delft collects and processes the data of applicants who wish to indicate their interest in a position at TU Delft. The personal data are used to assess the candidate's suitability for the position in question, but are also used, for example, to invite a job applicant for an interview. 

In addition, the data are used to allow the recruitment and selection process to proceed in a responsible, efficient and effective manner as possible and to allow us to monitor and optimise this process. We do this, for example, by generating reports. The reports and any related recommendations can never be traced to an individual. 

Basis on which we process your data

Your data are necessary for us to be able to consider whether you are suitable for the available vacancy, with the objective (in the event that you are suitable) of concluding an employment contract.

We need to process your data in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (of employment) (GDPR Article 6(1)(b)).  Without your data we cannot deal with your job application.

If an application procedure ends without it leading to a contract of employment, you may indicate during the selection that we may retain your data (for a year at the longest) for future vacancies, for example, and your permission will then be the legitimate ground for processing your data. 

Who may inspect my data?

Employees of TU Delft, and in some cases selected external parties, involved in the recruitment and selection for the vacancy in question you are responding to, may inspect your data. Besides this, only authorised controllers of the recruitment system have access to the data within TU Delft.

TU Delft may share your data with companies who help us with the selection of applicants, for example recruitment and selection agencies and employment agencies. TU Delft may also share your data with suppliers of assessments, for example for the purpose of performing a personality test. If we work with an external party, we will always ask you for permission to share your data with the party in question.

Where is the data stored?

Lumesse BV, with its registered address in Leiden, was selected as supplier of the software package for this process, in accordance with European Tendering regulations. The choice of this supplier means that the data are no longer stored at TU Delft but on the supplier's systems. The contractual agreements made with Lumesse BV. are in total compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the latest privacy legislation.

Lumesse uses Amazon Web Services Inc. (Amazon) services to store the data. Contractual agreements have been made with Amazon to completely safeguard the privacy and security of information. The encrypted data is kept on servers belonging to Amazon in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), in a secure and ISO-certified data centre, which means that they are located in the European Union.

Who has access to the data?

Amazon is unable to access the data. As the software operating party, Lumesse does have access to the data. A processing agreement has been made between TU Delft and Lumesse in accordance with statutory privacy requirements. Within TU Delft, only authorised ICT administrators have access to the data.

Retention period

Our retention period is four weeks from the end of the selection procedure per applicant. This term is necessary for us to be able to complete the administrative procedures involved and, in the event of cancellation, to contact other applicants.  

During the selection process you may indicate that we may only retain your data in our portfolio for use regarding other vacancies for a maximum of one year after submission of the application.

If you have given permission but wish to retract this before the end of the retention period, please contact the HR Contact Centre at TU Delft at

Data security

TU Delft makes use of a recruitment system to monitor the recruitment and selection process. Various methods such as firewalls (network/computer protection), intrusion detection software and security procedures and organisational measures are used to secure your data against loss, damage, unauthorised access and improper use. All data shared between yourself and the recruitment system are secured to ensure that others cannot read them. 

How can I exercise my privacy rights?

If you apply for a job at TU Delft, you are entitled to:

  • access to your data;
  • rectification of your data, if these contain factual inaccuracies;
  • erasure of your data;
  • transfer of your data;
  • restriction of the specific processing of your data;
  • object to the processing of your data.

Such a request may be submitted via

Is anything still unclear to you?

If you have questions about the privacy statement, please contact us at