The team

The team of confidential advisors is available to all TU Delft staff, students external doctoral candidates and guests. TU Delft has seven internal and one external confidential advisors for social and organizational integrity and three confidential advisors for scientific integrity. Below, all confidential advisors introduce themselves.

Confidential advisors social and organisational integrity

TU Delft has seven internal confidential advisors social and organisational integrity. These are Ada van Gulik, Atefeh Aghaee, Benedikt Ahrens, Christiaan Schinkel, Giorgia Giardina, Hanneke Leffers and Sue van de Giessen. You are free to choose who you want to contact.

As of 1 July 2024, Ella Dongstra and Christiaan Mooiman have stopped working as confidential advisors.

Ada van Gulik

My name is Ada van Gulik, I am part of the team of confidential advisors at TU Delft. With your personal needs and wishes as a starting point, I can guide and advise you if you are confronted with undesirable behavior or a potential violation of organisational integrity in your study or work environment. Commitment, meticulousness and confidentiality are key in this.

I work at the faculty of EEMCS, as coordinator of the Faculty Graduate School.

Contact: Ada van Gulik MA can be reached by phone at +31 15 27 81674 and by email at Languages: Dutch and English.

Atefeh Aghaee

I am Atefeh Aghaee, one of the confidential advisors available to staff and students at TU Delft. You can contact me to ask questions and share your concerns about any undesirable behaviour that violates social and/or organisational integrity. I am here to lend a compassionate ear and support you in addressing the issue. My role is to provide a safe space where your concerns can find understanding and resolution in a confidential manner. Feel free to reach out; your well-being is important!

I work as a blended learning developer at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

Contact: Atefeh Aghaee can be reached by phone at +31 15 2785328 and by email at Languages: English, Persian and Finnish

Benedikt Ahrens

I am Benedikt Ahrens, and I am one of the confidential advisors at TU Delft. Are you a student or staff member at TU Delft with a question or concern about undesirable behaviour, such as harassment, discrimination or bullying? If so, I invite you to discuss these with me in a confidential setting. I will listen to you and, if you wish, aim to provide support to you, for instance by identifying next steps you might take. You will maintain complete control and agency in the process.

I work as an assistant professor in the Department of Software Technology at EEMCS. When I am not working, I read books, listen to music, or play softball.

Contact: Benedikt Ahrens can be reached by phone via + 31 15 278 9972 and by email via Languages: English, German and French.

Christiaan Schinkel

My name is Christiaan Schinkel. I’ve been working as a technician at TU Delft since 2015. In this role, I interact a lot with students and PhD candidates. I have been part of the team of confidential advisors since September 2024. My goal is to make the TU a safer, more pleasant environment for employees, students and external people. As a confidential advisor, in the first place I serve as a listening ear. Besides that, I can advise you on how to deal with your situation. Are you uncertain about whether I can do something for you? Call, mail, or stop by. I will explain what a confidential advisor can do for you.

Contact: Christiaan Schinkel can be reached by phone at +31 15 27 85385 and by email at Office: building 58, room F2.350. Languages: Dutch, English.

Giorgia Giardina

My name is Giorgia Giardina and I am one of the confidential advisors that you can contact with questions related to bullying, discrimination, harassment or other types of intimidation. You can also reach out to me if you suspect a breach of organisational integrity. Together we can explore the options you have to address difficult situations, in a safe and confidential environment.

I am an associate professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences. 

Contact: Dr. Giorgia Giardina can be reached by phone at + 31 15 2786301 and by email at Languages: English and Italian.

Hanneke Leffers

My name is Hanneke Leffers. I am one of the confidential counselors you can contact if you experience discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment or other undesirable behavior. I can also help you with matters that may affect the integrity of the organisation, such as fraud and conflicts of interest.

Please feel free to discuss your questions and concerns with me. Are you in doubt? Please let me know, so I can inform you about the role of the confidential counselor. A conversation is always confidential. You will find a listening ear and it is important that you feel safe to tell your story. If necessary, I can give you advice and help you identify next steps you may take.

In daily life at TU Delft, I work as an educational policy and quality assurance advisor. I am part of the Education & Student team of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Contact: Hanneke Leffers, LLM, can be reached by phone at +31 6 39638137 and by e-mail at Languages: Dutch and English.

Sue van de Giessen

It is my pleasure to introduce myself as one of the internal confidential counsellors for social and organisational integrity of TU Delft. I have been working here for more than 25 years, in various roles within marketing and communications. During that time, I have built a strong bond with our university and many wonderful people who work here. Currently, I am working as department head of Media Innovation and Creation.

What I find important as a confidential advisor is that everyone - from employees to managers - finds space to share what is on their mind. Sometimes you may come across issues you would like to spar over or reflect upon. Please feel free to contact me, also if you are in a managerial role. I am here to listen, think along and support you in difficult situations, be it issues such as discrimination, business misconduct, harassment or other forms of questionable behavior.

 Contact: Sue van de Giessen can be reached by phone at + 31 6 42 62 79 13 and by email at Languages: Dutch, English.

External confidential advisor social and organisational integrity

Carin van der Hor

My name is Carin van der Hor. I work as an independent, external confidential advisor, mainly for organisations with social objectives. I also work as an interim manager, trainer and coach. I have worked in development cooperation and emergency aid for a long time and have always had a special interest in protection issues, including the topic of social safety.

As an external confidential advisor at TU Delft, I am a point of contact for all (former) employees and (former) students who are (or have been) confronted with undesirable behaviour or who have noticed a potential integrity violation of another kind. Examples of undesirable behaviour include (sexual) harassment, discrimination, bullying and aggression. If you are confronted with such behaviour, I can offer support and think along with you. Filing a complaint can be an option, but other solutions can be considered as well. You can also approach me if you have identified a possible integrity violation in the organisational field – such as a conflict of interest, financial fraud or abuse of power. In that case, you can discuss with me how you might report this. Important to bear in mind: everything we discuss remains confidential. I have a duty of confidentiality.

Send an email to or call/app me at  phone number: 06-40016234. Should you not get me on the line immediately, please leave a voicemail message. I will then call back as soon as possible. 

Check out my website if you want to read more about me:

Confidential advisors academic integrity

There are three confidential advisors academic integrity. You can choose who to contact.

Ferdinand Grozema

I am Ferdinand Grozema, one of the internal confidential counselors that employees and students can contact to discuss issues relating to academic integrity. Conversations with me are strictly confidential. I will try to identify the problem with you and explore what further steps you may want to take. You always remain in control: I will not take any action without your permission.

I am a professor of Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS). I study fundamental electronic processes in materials that can be applied in, for example, solar cells or other applications where absorption of light and conduction play a role. Furthermore, I have been teaching in the field of scientific writing for several years now, with special attention to ethical/integrity aspects of publishing scientific research.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand C. Grozema can be reached by phone at +31 15 2783914 and by email at Languages: Dutch and English.

Dingena Schott

My name is Dingena Schott. I am one of the internal confidential advisors with a special focus on academic integrity. If you encounter problems or questions in this area in the course of your work or studies, you can discuss these with me in a confidential conversation. I will be happy to support you in exploring the issue and identifying your potential courses of action.

I am a professor in the Department of Marine and Transportation Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (ME). Our research focuses on improving and developing tools for transporting and manipulating granular materials. For this purpose, we develop models that describe the interaction between the materials and tools. These models are applied within various technological fields: ports and terminals, recycling and waste treatment, space mining, deep-sea mining, agri- and food technology.

Contact: Dingena Schott can be reached by phone at +31 15 2783130 and by email at Languages: Dutch and English.

Wim Uijttewaal

I am Wim Uijttewaal, one of three internal confidential advisors with academic integrity as a special area of concern. Are you a student, guest or employee of TU Delft and do you have questions or dilemmas in this area? You can discuss these with me confidentially. Together we will explore what you can do to improve the situation and resolve the issue.

I am a professor of Experimental Hydraulic Engineering in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at the Faculty of CEG, where I work on transport and mixing in turbulent flows as they occur in rivers and coastal areas. In doing so, I look at the effects of shallowness and what consequences this has for the transport of, for example, sediment and plastics.

Contact: Wim Uijttewaal can be reached by phone at +31 15 2781371 and by email at Languages: Dutch and English.