
Elections coming up!

On 1st and 2nd of April 2025 elections for the 7 PhD-seats of the Works Council are held. Interested in standing as a candidate? Watch this video on what to expect as a council member.

Do you want to know more about the current four fractions?
Click here for Academisch Belang
Click here for Democratisch Beleid
Click here for FNV
Click here for Young Researchers Impact

What does the Work Council do?

The Works Council (OR) consists of members elected by and from the staff every three years. The OR discusses decisions of the Executive Board that directly or indirectly affect the interests of employees. The Executive Board seeks the advice of the Works Council on many decisions, and in some cases its consent must be requested. The OR has a number of committees, in which consultations take place with the management in preparation for the formal consultations with the Executive Board. In a number of areas, the OR works closely with the Student Council (SR). Besides the OR, the university has Personnel Committees (OdC) for the eight faculties, research institute QUtech and the University Service. These committees discuss, advise and vote or not on topics that do not exceed the interests of the faculty or service.

All TU Delft employees receive the Works Council Flash (OR Flits) once a month, which contains information on the topics the OR is working on.

The OR can be reached at OR@tudelft.nl.



The OR has formulated six spearheads for the 2020-2023 period, on which we would like to make progress and which will be taken into account when the OR determines its position.