Occupation of TU Delft building ends with eviction

News - 03 June 2024 - Webredactie Communication

At around 20.30 on Monday evening, the police ended the occupation of the Mechanical Engineering building by around 30 protesters who refused to leave the building voluntarily at closing time. Earlier in the day, the demonstrators were made aware of the closing time and possible consequences, and given the option to continue demonstrating outside. This was not heeded. The camp, which has been set up between the auditorium and the library since last Thursday, has not been removed. The demonstration will continue there, as long as it is peaceful and respectful.

Everyone has the right to demonstrate. However, there have been a number of incidents over the past week where protesters have been spoken to and enforcement action has been taken.

For example, people wearing face-covering clothing have been systematically denied access to buildings, slogans and stickers have been removed, and demonstrators have been spoken to for behaviour that has caused inconvenience to other students or staff.

Another demonstration took place across campus on Monday, ending with the occupation of the Mechanical Engineering building at around 2 p.m. In several conversations, the demonstrators were reminded of the rules and kindly asked to continue demonstrating outside to avoid disrupting classes. Unfortunately, teaching was disrupted to such an extent that we had to reschedule lectures for students and find alternative workplaces for staff. Entrances were also blocked and the building was defaced in several places inside and outside.

After closing time, protesters who did not leave voluntarily were removed by the police. Several arrests were made. TU Delft filed charges of trespassing, violence and vandalism.