Professor of Excellence Award 2024 for Professor Ibo van de Poel

News - 26 June 2024 - Webredactie

The Professor of Excellence Award 2024 has been awarded to Professor Ibo van de Poel, Professor of Ethics and Technology, partly for his exceptional talent for providing insight into complex ethical challenges using real-life examples, his role as an inspirer and his active role as Integrity Officer.

The Professor of Excellence Award is a career prize that is awarded to a Professor at TU Delft who excels in research as well as education, who knows how to inspire and motivate the next generation of Delft engineers and who made an impact beyond TU Delft.  The jury also considers the impact of candidates on the careers of their students and PhD students.

Moving letters

On Tuesday 25 June, Jack Pronk, chairman of the jury, came to our faculty and announced that Ibo van de Poel, professor of Ethics and Technology, is the recipient of this year's Professor of Excellence Award. Among other things, the jury report mentions his book on Ethics, Technology, and Engineering, a work that is used all over the world. But also about his impressive track record in research, his key role in a gravity programme, his KNAW membership and many other achievements.

Jack Pronk added: "Despite your full agenda, you also contribute to TU Delft's core values through your role as Integrity Officer, which we as a jury find incredibly beautiful. We have received some really moving letters. Colleagues, students and alumni describe you as a top scientist who does research with and among people, always with your characteristic captivating smile. The way you stand among them is experienced as very inspiring and safe".

This confirms that the people you work with really appreciate what you do, and I think that's actually the most important thing.

Ibo van de Poel


Academic Director of the Teaching Acadamy Annoesjka Cabo was invited to present the award. "It humbles a person when you read what is written about you Ibo. We are very happy to have such a person in our midst." said Cabo.

Aukje Hassoldt, dean of TPM: "We are very proud of you. I meet many people in the outside world who are inspired by your work as a researcher. We also see that in all the letters we have received. They all say the same thing: you are sharp on content, a very good supervisor and a very good leader. In addition, you are an incredibly warm, generous and active person. That's a fantastic combination that obviously suits this teacher award wonderfully."

Ibo accepts the award wholeheartedly. He says: "I have asked myself before: what would I really feel honoured with? The Professor of Excellence award was what come to mind, because it confirms that the people you work with really appreciate what you do, and I think that's actually the most important thing. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this very much!"

We are very happy to have such a person in our midst.

Annoesjka Cabo

Official presentation

The award will be officially presented in September prior to the opening of the academic year. On that occasion, the jury will give a detailed explanation of Ibo's election. You can attend this event by registering via this link