Join TU Delft's largest Climate Fresk

News - 05 September 2024

Are you eager to take action against climate change and want to learn more about climate science in a short time? Join the biggest ever Climate Fresk workshop at TU Delft on Thursday 10 October 2024, the Sustainability Day in Higher Education. Sign up and take part - open to everyone at TU Delft.

The Climate Fresk workshop is an interactive and collaborative game based on the IPPC scientific reports. With this workshop, the university is taking a step towards its sustainability ambition; to be fully carbon neutral, climate-adaptive and circular by 2030, with a focus on quality of life and biodiversity.

What does the Climate Fresk workshop entail?

In the Climate Fresk, participants discover the relationships between the causes and consequences of climate change with a card game. After the interactive game, you will engage in a conversation about the different perspectives around climate change and climate action. In the academic year 2023-2024, more than 100 staff and students played the Climate Fresk and more than 20 TU Delft colleagues have now been trained to facilitate the workshop.

Workshop details

On Thursday 10 October, the largest edition of the Climate Fresk will be ready in the Foyer, Aula. The workshop will run twice, each session lasts 3 hours and is open to everyone at TU Delft.

  • Climate Fresk workshop 1: 9.30am - 12.30pm.
  • Climate Fresk workshop 2: 14.00pm - 17.00pm.

Join us in making a difference and learning more about climate science.

Sustainability in Education

To educate the engineer of the future, it is important that the theme of Sustainability is embedded in the education at TU Delft. The Sustainable Development Goals and initiatives like the Climate Fresk contribute to sustainable education – where students gain knowledge, skills, world views and a sense of responsibility.


For more information on Sustainability in Education or if you have general questions about sustainability on campus, email