Guido de Croon receives NWO Vici grant!

News - 06 May 2024 - Robotics Institute


We are pleased to report that our very own Guido de Croon has been awarded with the prestigeous NWO Vici award!

The project aims to develop a faster and more energy-efficient robotic AI inspired by animal brains, particularly targeting small drones. The project will be led by Guido and his team, the goal is to create autonomy in robots, with a focus on applications like greenhouse monitoring and pest control. Industry partners including IMEC and PATS are involved, providing support for the project's development and application.

‘The NWO VICI is a fantastic opportunity for me to do curiosity-driven research into an extremely efficient form of artificial intelligence for robots. For my work, I take inspiration from the intelligence of insects. I hope my tiny flying robots will soon be able to navigate easily over distances of several kilometres just like honeybees do.’ – Guido de kroon

See the link the whole article.