David Abbink about Stevin Prize in NOS News

News - 21 June 2024 - Webredactie 3mE

David Abbink is a professor of human-robot interaction in both the Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design faculties. He conducts research on the collaboration between humans and intelligent machines such as vehicles or robots. Complex societal challenges such as an ageing population or a growing labour shortage mean that we need to rethink how we live and work. Technology such as robotics can help with these challenges. 

For his research with high societal impact, David Abbink receives this year's NWO Stevin Prize. The Stevin Prize and the Spinoza Prize are the most prestigious Dutch prizes in science. They are awarded annually to four scientists.

Read more in the news article from NOS (Dutch): https://nos.nl/artikel/2525487-prestigieuze-onderscheiding-voor-werkvernieuwer-en-robot-expert-abbink