Introduction Kevin Rossi: New Team Member Climate Safety & Security Research Center

News - 11 July 2024

Kevin Rossi joins as Assistant Professor in Materials Science Engineering the Climate Safety & Security Research Center of the TU Delft | Campus The Hague.

We are pleased to introduce Kevin Rossi, who joins us as an Assistant Professor in Materials Science Engineering and plays a central role in the Materials Security flagship at Climate Safety & Security Research Center. Kevin brings a wealth of expertise in computational modeling and artificial intelligence, with a focus on discovering, understanding, and engineering high-performance materials. His work is particularly geared towards applications in green energy and sustainable chemistry, ensuring the materials used are both circular and criticality-conscious.

Kevin joined our research centre to amplify the impact of his research by collaborating with colleagues across multiple disciplines and faculties. He is enthusiastic about fostering a two-way transfer of knowledge with representatives from both the private and public sectors, aiming to enable science- and data-driven policies that can address contemporary challenges.

“From the stone- and iron- age, to today's silicon and plastic Age, materials science technology defined the welfare of humankind. My work contributes to impact for a better society by identifying solutions enabling the energy transition and strategic autonomy transition that Europe and the Netherlands need to swiftly accomplish.”

At the TU Delft campus in The Hague, Kevin's vision extends from the atomic to the planetary level. His work aims to bridge diverse perspectives and stakeholders, identifying common interests and proposing innovative solutions to address material security issues in the Netherlands. This holistic approach not only underscores the critical nature of materials science but also its applicability in policy-making and strategic planning at a national level.

We are excited to have Kevin Rossi on board and look forward to the significant contributions he will make toward a more sustainable and secure future through his work at our research centre.