Interview Eveline Vreede with Digitaal Veilig Den Haag

News - 20 September 2024

Eveline Vreede is the Managing Director of our Safety & Security Institute. She is responsible for collaborations, programs and the development of the Safety & Security theme at TU Delft | Campus The Hague. Among other things, she connects the institute with government agencies. Digitaal Veilig Den Haag spoke with her about the institute's activities in the field of digital security.

What does the Safety & Security Institute do?

The institute focuses on safety in various technical disciplines, emphasizing 'safe & sustainable by design', forensic research, and digital security. We collaborate with external partners and set up research programs to advance knowledge and innovation."

What cybersecurity research is taking place at TU Delft?

"Cybersecurity research is being carried out at multiple faculties. For example, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science conducts research into secure information sharing, cryptography, and data analysis, while Technology, Policy and Management focuses on governance and behavioral studies related to cybersecurity."

Can you tell us more about the diversity of the cybersecurity research?

"Next to engineers, we also involve public administrators, ethicists, philosophers, and psychologists. Research groups focus on cybersecurity in various domains: ‘How do you protect The Hague's water management?’, ‘How do you make internet service providers safer?’, and ‘How do you build knowledge on insights into internet attacks?’"

How do you transfer knowledge to citizens, organizations, and policymakers?

"We organize lectures, (breakfast) sessions with civil servants and contribute to events, such as a debate during the Just Peace The Hague festival and the Talent Hub at Cybersecurity Week in The Hague. It’s fascinating to connect practical experience with scientific research."

How do you collaborate with organizations in the city?

"Together with the Municipality of The Hague, we improve analyses of digital security and risks. We contribute to the safety of small businesses, in collaboration with partners such as the Digital Trust Center, Security Delta (HSD), PVO Regio Den Haag, Police Unit The Hague, and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. We develop professional education activities and work with organizations to advise on specific issues."

What are the plans for the future?

"We are moving into the new university building Spui in the city center of The Hague. From there, we aim to further develop activities in the field of digital security and expand our collaboration with the Municipality of The Hague."

Eveline believes that collaboration starts with a clear mission and a shared goal. According to her, network initiatives such as HSD and Digicampus help in understanding each other's roles. Critical issues require sharing data and information and establishing structural partnerships.