TU Delft India Collaborations - Student Travel Support

News - 10 January 2023


In 2023, the TU Delft India Collaborations team offers support to students participating in research collaboration and workshops in India that contribute to impact for a better society. You will find more information on TU Delft India collaborations on our website.


  • Students enrolled at TU Delft.
  • Students who have a TU Delft scientist/teacher as supervisor (support letter by him/her should be included in the application).
  • Students who are visiting India.

Application information:

  • The application should be a maximum 2 pages. It should include a description of planned activities and a projection of impact.
  • The maximum contribution is €500 per student.
  • Students traveling as part of a group (project), should apply as a group and not individually.
  • Rolling applications accepted throughout 2023.
  • Send your application 4 weeks before departure date to ensure time for discussion on your application.
  • Applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Please note that approval will depend on number of applications and available funds.
  • Complete applications can be sent to a.m.kummerlowe@tudelft.nl and india@tudelft.nl.

Administration & follow up:

  • Select one person from their group to whom the reimbursement will be made. Include this persons’ name, IBAN number and student number in the application. The payment can also be made to a TU Delft baan code of the staff supervisor. In case of group, select one person from their group to whom the reimbursement will be made.
  • Please note that all TU Delft students going abroad for study-related purposed need to register via Osiris, otherwise they are not covered by the TU Delft insurance.
  • Following travel, the student(s) must submit receipts of their expenses (plane tickets, materials etc.), for reimbursement.
  • Follow travel, the student(s) must submit a report on their experiences during the trip via text or video format on the TU Delft India website (https://www.tudelft.nl/brazil-china-india-collaborations/india).


Contact Marie Kummerlowe (Coordinator External Relations Brazil/India & Climate Action) at  a.m.kummerlowe@tudelft.nl.