New 5-day PhD course “Technological Innovation with Fluid Mechanics” on 7-11 November 2022 in Delft

News - 02 June 2022

Is it possible to convert knowledge of fluid mechanics into profitable technology?

Yes: engage in the innovation challenge!

This JMBC course is centred around technological innovation. You learn to develop a new technology, based on sound fluid mechanics principles. To succeed both technically and commercially, many challenges must be overcome.

The objective is to take a wild innovative idea (for example an ocean drone, an electric plane, or a brilliant idea for the energy transition) and convert this into a technically feasible technology concept, that must also become commercially viable.

Many interdisciplinary issues must be overcome to succeed: technical, economical, commercial, organisational, political and related to society. Close collaboration in an empowered and motivated innovation team is required to overcome blockers of progress.

The course instructor is dr. ir. Edwin Poorte. He is an Applied Physicist with a PhD in Fluid Mechanics obtained in 1998 on experimental work on turbulence in multiphase flows, which was part of the J.M. Burgerscentrum research program at the time.

He has acquired 25 years of technological innovation experience in The Netherlands, Norway, UK, USA and Canada by performing in large innovation projects (often as technological cooperation of several companies).

Edwin Poorte knows technological innovation inside-out, and teaches innovation techniques from his own company, Troyka Innovation, see

Registration via the form on this website.

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