TU Delft signs strategic partnerships with IIT Delhi and IISc Bangalore

News - 30 June 2022

On January 24, 2022, Rector Tim van der Hagen signed agreements to further collaboration with two partner institutions in India, the Indian Institue of Science (IISc) & Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT-D). At the online MoU signing ceremonies, the Directors of these institutions discussed the objective of bringing impact for a better society into Indo-Dutch cooperation.

TU Delft formally started its cooperation in education and research with India in 2011, and a TU Delft India Ambassador was appointed in 2017 to foster Indo-Dutch collaborations, in line with the TU Delft Global Engagement Framework 2018-24. Professor Jenny Dankelman currently serves as TU Delft Ambassador India. Over 80 faculty across different fields of expertise are involved in collaboration with India, with the sustainable development goals as a guiding principle. Fruitful collaborations exist in the areas of climate, energy, health, water and space. In the past years, many Delft scientists visited India, and in return welcomed incoming delegations from India; several joint projects are supported amongst others by the EU and NWO.

TU Delft’s relationships with IIT-D and IISc have grown in the past decade, based on bottom-up cooperation between TU Delft staff across various faculties and Indian counterparts. TU Delft and IISc researchers currently work together on topics such as the energy transition, nanorobotics, and climate action. TU Delft and IIT-D researchers collaborate in areas such as climate science, renewable energy, and water treatment.

As a tool to strengthen TU Delft-India joint research, we launched funds for joint activities with both partners in April 2022. Each funds cover projects lasting up to 1 year, and the budget envelope is up to 5000 euro from TU Delft and up to 5000 euro from the Indian side. Full information on the calls is available here. In March 2022, webinars took place with both IIT-D and IISc, in which interested researchers exchanged on ideas for the call.

For further information please contact:

Marie Kummerlowe (Coordinator External Relations India): a.m.kummerlowe@tudelft.nl