New addition: Rietveld replicas

News - 10 February 2022 - Architecture Collections

The replicas of three Rietveld Chairs were donated by their builder, Mr. Van Fraeijenhove. The Chair Collection already had a series of original Rietveld chairs, and a series of miniatures scale 1/3. We have now added three full size replicas and four miniatures of Rietveld designs. For an educational collection, replicas are a useful addition, because the preservation of the original Rietveld chairs demands that we no longer handle these, or show them outside a museum context, which means we can’t use those in education any more. And what makes these replicas extra interesting is that Van Fraeijenhove checked all of the details of construction during the process of researching and building them during regular meetings with Gerard van de Groenekan, who was Rietveld’s own cabinet maker. We hope that we will be able to show these chairs in an exhibition soon, but they can already be seen in the permanent display of the Chair Collection.